This blog was brought about by one and ONLY one thing - BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE.

Join my journey as a young housewife in another country armed only with limited articles of clothing and a good sense of practicality against the ever-changing four seasons. My personal challenge is to survive a year with just the things I came with. Emergency clothes purchases should not go above $10.

Help me by following my blog and holding me accountable on this self-imposed challenge.

Timer starts now!


As long as you're feeling Boho and not Baho =p

I just felt like being light and not too fussy today so I decided on slipping in my tube dress, a few bangles, scarf and slippers.

Why you should wear a dress:
1) You can eat all you want without undoing your buttons
2) You can go pee-pee without going through the hassle of unzipping, pulling down and zipping up again
3) It's airy on places that the sun doesn't shine on!

Tie dyed scarf gifted by an officemate; Jean and Rosz necklace

Pile 'em all up I say! Don't be scared!

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