This blog was brought about by one and ONLY one thing - BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE.

Join my journey as a young housewife in another country armed only with limited articles of clothing and a good sense of practicality against the ever-changing four seasons. My personal challenge is to survive a year with just the things I came with. Emergency clothes purchases should not go above $10.

Help me by following my blog and holding me accountable on this self-imposed challenge.

Timer starts now!


Hello Shorty!

I've been sporting short hair ever since I was 16. The only time I grew it long was for my wedding (which was just this year!)- and "long" meant a safe one-length cut. I think my hair got "tampo" because prior to my cut when I was 16, my mane was up until my waist! (I know, I couldn't believe it myself! I'll look for photos from my mom to prove it!) So anyhoo, because of my hair's slow growth, I abstained from scissors for almost 8 months! I realized that if you have longer hair, conditioner should be part of your budget. I always thought my hair was thin because comparing it with my mom's, mine looked malnourished. Two stylist already told me that although my hair looks only a handful (therefore thin), it actually is healthy and thick strand-wise.

Erm, this is long hair for me

So you can only imagine what pure joy I felt when I finally had time to chop my hair off. As you know, hair services anywhere in the world (outside Manila) is expensive (by my standard =)), it took me a while to look for the most affordable hair salon around Canberra. Considering the language barrier (it's so hard to explain a particular cut when you can't use "ek-ek", "chenes" or "kembers" in a sentence), I had to research for photos of the haircut that I want (luckily, Jean and Rosz had an article about Ultra Short Cuts which you can read here).

Ashlee Simpson

Off I went to Just Cuts, Jenene was to be my stylist, I showed her the photo and told her that I want to tweak the look a bit by having no fringes at the back (it irritates me when it grows out because it looks like a chicken's ass), no blunt bangs (because my face is big as it is thank you very much), just a smooth side sweep that can be tucked easily in the ears (on days that you don't want to be blinded by your own hair). I was praying the whole time she was cutting (trust issues- I am so biased with Pinoy hairstylist because they are simply world-class), that she won't murder my hair and that she understood me clearly. Thank God, Jenene did not disappoint. I learned that communication was the key. You have to build rapport with the stylist, making sure you get your point across and the stylist in turn should know how to listen and consult. Jenene kept asking me as we go along if I am okay with the length before cutting more off.

Hey shorty!

All in all, I was happy because: 1)  I got the look I wanted at the price I can afford;  2) Wash and wear management and  3)No more CONDITIONER on the grocery list!

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